And here’s your roadmap to get there.
Educate Yourself
What is climate change?
Climate is not just day to day weather its long-term average conditions. Climate change is where those long-term conditions are changing for good.
See more here
How will climate change impact snowfall and winters?
As the climate continues to warm the precipitation will fall as rain and not snow.
Sure we might see random snowstorms in random places, but overall snow will fall less regularly and more sporadically.
See more here
How will climate change impact the ski industry?
If you have read the above you are probably aware that shorter seasons, less snow and more rain doesn’t equal the “best season ever!”. This article talks about low-lying ski towns and resorts having to change to ‘summer sports’. Water skiing and wake boarding?
See more here
Does carbon offsetting actually help?
The Climate Council’s recommendation on this is based around the following principles:
- Offsetting greenhouse gas emissions with vegetation projects–for example, by planting trees–is no substitute for preventing the burning of coal, oil and gas in the first place.
- The most important thing to do is find ways to prevent the burning of coal, oil and gas in the first place.
- After reducing consumption of fossil fuels as much as possible–and after putting in place plans to reduce their use by more in the future–if you choose to offset fossil fuel use, it is best to do so with projects that avoid fossil fuel use rather than through vegetation-based projects.
- Restoring Australian landscapes is essential on its own terms, not just for environmental reasons, but also to manage climate change. And vegetation-based offsetting is better than nothing at all.
See more here
Where does P.O.W Australia fit in with all of this?
P.O.W Australia and our partner P.O.W International chapters help passionate outdoor people protect the places and lifestyles they love from the impacts climate change. We do this through education, recognition and action.
What can I do about climate change myself?
Start by recognising your impact.
Recognise Your Impact
P.O.W bases everything we do on four key policy areas.
Renewable Energy, Innovative Transport Solutions, Carbon Pricing and Protection of Public Lands from fossil fuel extraction.
The plain truth is that we live in a carbon-intensive society. (Not sure of what carbon and carbon emissions are? Check out this link).
When we drive to the mountains for some fun (transport), turn up the heat in our house or lodge (energy) or even ski in a resort national park (public land use) we leave behind some sort of carbon footprint.
It is important to know what type of footprint we are creating so that we can start to identify how and where to reduce it.
Check out the calculator below to estimate your carbon footprint when travelling, staying, and playing in the great outdoors.
The carbon calculator platform was developed by The North Face in 2017 as part of the company’s effort to calculate, reduce and offset carbon emissions associated with The North Face athlete expeditions. Encouraged by its potential, The North Face licensed the tool to Protect Our Winters, for use by POW as part of an advocacy platform where all outdoor enthusiasts can calculate the carbon footprint of their adventures and take meaningful action on climate.
It can feel like these outdoor escapes are exacerbating the climate crisis. Would we be better off just staying home? We don’t think so.
We embrace imperfect advocacy. Instead of chasing perfection, we’re pursuing progress by offering the outdoor community both a way to offset the carbon footprint of their adventures and ultimately learn the value of advocating for the places they love.
Reduce Your Impact
We are going to focus on our big goals here, no not the big goal about sending it down that steep face you have been scoping all year, but using clean energy, innovative transport solutions, setting carbon pricing and protecting public lands.
Does the accommodation you stay at allow you to control the heater? Only put it on when necessary and if possible, at a lower setting- do you really need to be in shorts and a singlet when its 2 degrees outside?
If you are lucky enough to own property near the snow check out the heating cost comparison tool for what to include in your house.
When you are back at home grab your energy bill and do some research. What energy sources does your supplier use? Do they have green options? Can you install and use solar or other alternatives on your property?
How do you get to the mountain? Drive solo, hitchhike and hope, carpool, public transport?
A full bus can take up to 40 cars off the road.
In Australia we often have great distances to travel, considering your transport options is a great way to reduce your impact. If you’re meeting some mates at the mountain can you car pool for the whole (or even some) of the trip? Do you really need to drive from your accommodation to the store or can you throw on your favourite ski jacket and walk?
Public Lands:
Chances are if you are heading up to one of the main ski resorts in Australia you are going to end up in a national park. National parks are set up on public land to help conserve the flora, fauna and even cultural heritage of the local area. So next time before you ignore the signs about where to ride and start thinking about ducking ropes, consider the affect your actions may have on the local fauna who live there.
Make yourself familiar with the rules of the national park you are entering and follow them.
Heading off into the backcountry this season? Whatever you take up needs to come back down with you, make sure you consider any rubbish you may create and how to minimise it and make sure it does not end up staying there.
Setting Carbon Pricing
What is the cost of carbon?
The cost of carbon more often is referred to as the social cost of carbon (SCC). The social cost of carbon is a policy tool that puts a price on the economic damages over time from emitting one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In other words, are the social benefits from preventing larger droughts, rising tides, more violent storms greater than the economic costs–specifically the dollar cost.
We believe in setting an economy wide price on carbon to incentivise innovation and make sure polluters are held accountable.
What about offsets?
At POW we see offsets as a band aid to the problem, but with the science showing us that we need to make a large scale change in a short timeline, we need to take any action we can. Our vision is to create a future that no longer needs offsets.
Best way to work towards a positive outcome for to support carbon pricing is vote.
If you have other ideas of how to reduce your impact, please get in contact and let us know.
Identify Your Super Powers
Find your superpower and find your lever.
The Dude/Dudette Park Rat | You are not much of a talker but you know climate change isn’t cool. You still want to support, so hit us up for some free stickers and wear them on your helmet or your XXXXL sized hoodie. |
The Snow Bunny | Your social media presence is huge, and your hair is always perfect, the lack of snow is wrecking your Instagram profile. You can support by sharing your knowledge about habits that benefit our earth. |
The Local Legend | Use your legend status for good. Talk about how winter is changing and how less snow is having an impact on your life and on your local economy. Talk about how you are concerned for future generations. You are the local legend, people will listen. |
The Weekend Warrior | Got to get back to your business first thing Monday morning? Make sure your business has a strong corporate sustainability program. Address the impacts of your products at all ends of the supply chain. Do you work for a business large or small? Speak to your management team about how you can help them develop more sustainable practises. |
The Newbie | You can use your innocence to your advantage. You’re the newbie so ask around if anyone knows a good local vegan café, or if anyone knows a local store that sells eco-friendly goods? Then talk with your money by supporting those businesses. |
The Sender | All eyes on you? Great let’s show them how it’s done. If you are not afraid to draw a crowd and thrive on people’s attention then wear your eco products, chat with people on the lift about what they can do, maybe even ask to speak at an event to help educate and get people stoked on keeping the snow dream alive. |
The Camera Guy | You wear all black and you can hit a XL jump without even looking all while holding a camera steady and making the subject look good. Those awesome video editing skills you have and hook ups with all the hot shot riders will be perfect to help spread the word about P.O.W Australia and how to support. |
Want to take it further?
Get in touch with POW here.
Become An Advocate
So now you understand the climate science, your impact and how you personally can make a difference you may want to know where to go from here?
Contact us and we can join forces.